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Not making progress and failing to see results

Not making progress and failing to see results

It’s so frustrating isn’t it you’ve been really good with your diet and exercising loads but don’t seem to be seeing the results you expected. It becomes disheartening and you end up throwing the towel in anyway wondering why you bothered in the first place. How do other people do it they seem to eat what they like and still have an enviable figure? So, what is going wrong? Why aren’t your efforts producing the results you so desperately long for?

I’ll break it down into two categories; diet and exercise and go through common mistakes made in each then give some really easy tips to follow and simple changes you can make to get results.

Diet – you have been ‘good’ with your diet. Let’s, for arguments sake, say your goal is weight loss. I have chosen that as most of my clients are seeking weight loss. The primary factor in weight loss is being in a calorie deficit for a sustained period ie eating less calories than your body uses per day thus burning fat and resulting in weight loss. Unless you are tracking and sticking to a deficit calorie allowance ‘being good’ alone may not reap results. I often find people are ‘good’ in the week and fall off at weekends which would see them over the 7-day period not being in a deficit thus not seeing results. My top tip – track your food every single day of the week, stick to your deficit and repeat that for a sustained period and you WILL see results. Although the calorie deficit is paramount in weight loss food quality and food choices can play a large part too. Especially if you are exercising your body need the correct fuel and repair foods to see maximum results. Protein is king it helps to build and repair muscle, keeps us fuller for longer and burns more calories to digest than any other nutrient. Aim for 1.5-2g of protein per kg of body weight per day track that along side your calories. Aside from protein eat as many whole single ingredient foods as possible, avoid processed foods and fried foods. Eg eat as wide a variety as possible of fruits, vegetables, nuts seeds and nut butters, grains and lentils, beans and pulses.

Exercise – the results most of my clients want from their exercise and training efforts are to be more toned and leaner. So, let us assume that’s the goal here. To achieve this, we need to shed body fat and build muscle. Often the mistake made would be to do loads of cardio eg running, cross trainer, bike etc and stay away from the weights section. I find women more guilty than men of this. To build muscle and burn fat you need to be lifting heavy weights, according to your ability, at least 3x per week concentrating on compound lifts eg squats, deadlifts, bench press, overhead press, lunges etc I’d add in regular core work and some HIIT cardio to get maximum results. You also need to make your training progressively harder for your body to change and develop eg lift slightly heavier each week, take shorter rest periods, do more reps, add sets, perform more complex moves, slow the tempo etc so keeping a training record is useful.

Two more tips I’d advise to make sure you see results are set a goal at the start and chose the correct method to track your progress throughout.

Goal setting should specifically outline what you hope to achieve eg be a dress size 10 by my birthday in September. It should be measurable eg you can fit into a size 10 dress, it should be achievable within the timescale (don’t set yourself up for a fail by aiming for the impossible). It should be relevant eg I am setting this goal so I will feel confident in my clothes happier within myself. Set a deadline for your goal to aim for eg my birthday in 4 months.

Make sure your action steps map towards your goal and always hold it in mind when your motivation wavers.

Progress tracking – in my experience the scales and weighing yourself is never a great way to chart progress if you are dieting and exercising. Take progress photos weekly and go by how your clothes feel plus measurements paint a much truer picture of your progress. Throw the scales away the camera does not lie!

If you’d like me to help you get the results you’ve always dreamed of then fill out the contact form by clicking this link and book your free consultation

If you’d like to hear more about why and how to take progress photos follow the links below to my YouTube channel where you’ll also find useful videos on following a calorie deficit, workout videos and mindset tips.

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Binge eating

Binge eating

Is it ruining your quest to be slim? Maybe bingeing is making you feel depressed, out of control, sad or stressed? It is easy to become trapped in the vicious cycle of bingeing as most of us will turn to food as a comfort or crutch when feeling low.


I am someone who has struggled and still does to a lesser extent with binge eating. I am not a psychologist or therapist just a personal trainer with lots of personal experience dealing with my own and my clients food issues.



Firstly, I would recommend trying to identify what initiates a binge for you. There will be ‘triggers’ either.

  1. A trigger food or foods
  2. A trigger emotion
  3. A trigger situation


I usually find trigger foods are foods that you have perhaps labelled as ‘bad foods’ or foods that you somehow feel as off bounds eg pizza, chocolate, cake.


A trigger emotion can be anything that leaves you needing comfort for example sadness, anger or loneliness can have you reaching for food as comfort or to fill that void.


A trigger situation may be a celebration for example a birthday or when you are home alone, even a long car journey could trigger the need to stuff your face!


It is worth bearing in mind also that although our access to food is almost unlimited in modern society our physiology has not changed since cave men times. Meaning that we still have an in-built mechanism to make us fill up on hyperpalatable foods for our body to store as fat for leaner times or periods of famine. Early humans would hunt and gather food and often find it in short supply, so the body naturally wants to gorge when we come across sugar or fat to store for future use. That is why you cannot just eat one biscuit!!!


How do we overcome this? Gain back control of our eating and waistlines not to mention preventing diseases associated with obesity and overeating eg diabetes.


  1. The first step is identifying and being aware of our personal food triggers then working out strategies to deal with them. Eg if you know you cannot stop at one biscuit do not buy a pack of biscuits. Avoid high sugar foods and opt for more protein rich, savoury whole foods that are more satiating.

Try changing your attitude to ‘bad foods’ no food is ‘bad’ or ‘good’ context is key small amounts of ice cream and pizza are ok and if included and enjoyed when managing a calorie allowance as part of a healthy diet. This gains back control and removes the forbidden fruit feeling.

  1. Working out what your trigger emotions are can help too. Then creating alternative strategies to coping with those that do not include food eg call a friend or family member for a long chat after a stressful day instead of going home and diving into the biscuit tin. Take a long walk or do a workout if you feel angry to dispel the emotion and avoid reaching for food.
  2. Anticipate trigger situations eg a birthday celebration and decide in advance whether you will indulge in cake sometimes even allowing yourself one slice guilt free can break that need to binge. Plan before a long car journey and take a pack of healthy snacks with you, this will prevent that stop at the service station to fill up on highly calorific foods.

Lastly if you are still really struggling seek help from a professional, talk to people about how you are feeling and take things one day at a time. If you do end up having the odd binge, try not to be too hard on yourself accept it for what it is and try to move on quickly making a plan for good food and exercise choices the next day.


If you need help with a healthy eating and workout plan for weight loss, I have online coaching options currently available. Click the link below to contact me to discuss yours.

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Comparison is the thief of joy

Comparison is the thief of joy

Why do we do it to ourselves? Comparing where we are now to the past or to others, to the detriment of our happiness!?

‘I weighed 7 stone and was a size 6 on my wedding day and now I’m 14 stone and a size 16’

‘I ran the London marathon in 2012 and now I can’t even run for the bus’

‘I used to have a washboard stomach now my jeans are too tight, and I struggle to bend over and tie my shoelaces’

‘I’m so demotivated now by how unfit/fat I am’

‘I had a 24 inch waist before I had kids’

These are just a few complaints I’ve heard over the years, people harking back to how they used to be and wishing they were back there. I guess its human nature to always compare ourselves as we want to fit in, be liked and be part of the tribe, historically our survival would have depended on it. Now we are bombarded with images on social media of perfect bodies, perfect teeth, perfect hair, amazing sporting and physical achievements its no wonder we feel inadequate and unhappy with our current situation.


A five-minute scroll through Instagram can leave you feeling insecure about your appearance, financial status, how your home looks, the car you drive and doubtful about your parenting or culinary skills.

I always encourage my clients to put things into perspective.

  1. The Instagram models are in that position because they have perfect bodies, hair and teeth, it’s their profession they are probably 0.0001% of the population. Its not a true representation, how often do you see someone like that in real life?....Never!!!
  2. They probably spent months preparing for that photo shoot no one just wakes up looking like that, it takes masses of time, money and effort! The photos are probably air brushed anyway.
  3. You are unique with a history that has shaped you into the person you are today you cannot compare that to who you were 10 years ago or to any other human being on this planet, so stop trying to!
  4. The present moment is all we have; the past is just that its behind us and we will never see that time or be that person again, aspiring to is futile.
  5. The future lives only in our imagination don’t dwell too much on it the reality is we may never see it.
  6. People will always portray their best side on social media or in public and hide a lot of crap behind the scenes, I bet you do this too so don’t be fooled. You may be someone others look up to and aspire to be like, consider that for a moment?

So, what to do instead? We need to replace this negative thought process with a positive mindset and act upon it time and again to form a new habit and make the old one extinct.

Let’s look at some examples –

You are heavier and bigger now than you were on your wedding day. Remember that was years ago you are now older, you’ve had children and dealt with a lot since then there for you are a different person now, applaud yourself for the achievements you’ve made not for the weight you’ve gained. Instead of aspiring to fit back into your wedding dress (why would you want to you’re not getting married again) try concentrating on making better food choices that will leave you feeling more energised. Take up physical activity for example weightlifting that will promote better muscle tone, posture and bone strength, boost confidence and improve posture. You may never fit back into your wedding dress but the next time you’re invited to an event you’ll feel slimmer, look healthier more toned and confident if your outfit.

You ran the London marathon a few years back and now can’t run for the bus. Trying to go out for a long run is going to hurt and make you feel even more demoralised, it won’t be enjoyable, and you won’t keep it up. Why not take up Zumba or join a walking club with a friend, gradually increase your fitness again while having fun and learn something new. Maybe in time as you feel fitter you could try some running again, maybe not. Even if you never run again that doesn’t mean you won’t be fit again just enjoy who you are now.

When clients sign up to work with me on a diet and fitness plan, we start with setting a goal. The most common goal is ‘I want to lose weight and tone up’ often people will put a number on it ‘I want to lose a stone’ They will also hark back to how they used to be, that’s where I took the above examples from. We will delve deeper and find out what’s behind their goal. Mostly people just want to feel happier when they look in the mirror which will translate to an improvement in their confidence. Most people want to be healthier and live a long and healthy life, having more energy to do the things they enjoy with the people they love. We always concentrate on those aspects and leave the aesthetics and the scales to catch up.

If you would like my help in achieving your goals, I offer bespoke online coaching including a personalised diet and fitness plan plus all the support you need to succeed. Fill out the contact form linked below, and we can have a no obligations chat and see if we are a good fit for each other.

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The bloody vegans podcast

The bloody vegans podcast

Listen to The Vegan Coach's journey into plant based diet, lifestyle and business.

Hear me give advice to those considering a plant based diet, what to expect from my service plus loads of tips for making your plant based lifestyle easy and enjoyable.

From weight loss tips to improving athletic performance and muscle building, tips for healthy kids and family meal planning.

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Treats and temptations

Treats and temptations

Are treats and temptations at work stopping you from staying on track and losing weight? Do you blame your increasing waistline on temptations in the office?


You are not alone I get asked for help around this issue A LOT!!! So, what should you do? You’re trying to stick to your healthy diet and you’ve been exercising to look good in your bikini on holiday, you’ve felt self-conscious about your tummy area for ages and know if you lose a bit of weight by the time you fly to Turkey you’ll feel so much more confident around the pool. BUT those bloody chocolates a client keeps sending as a treat and the cakes Jane keeps baking are putting a spanner in the works.


Here is the solution, or a few it’s up to you which tactic, or all, you employ:

  • One option is if you know it’s coming eg drinks after work on Friday night to celebrate a promotion or cake for your birthday plan for it,

accept that celebration with food and drinks are part of human life and save some calories up to use on that cake or wine and BLOODY ENJOY IT! Let’s face it if you’re trying to never eat a sweet treat or drink a glass of wine for the rest of your life, you’re setting yourself up for a fail. Try to put it in perspective though if it’s happening 3 or 4x a week it’s not a ‘treat’ it’s a habit, special occasions happen occasionally not every other day!

I advocate my clients tracking their own food and calories in an app like MyFitnessPal so they have full control over their food budget making it much easier for them to make the decision to bank some calories over a few days leading up to an occasion to spend on treats.

  • Another tool is to look at your calorie budget like a financial budget – if you’re saving money to afford your holiday and you see shiny pair of shoes and handbag in a shop window that you hadn’t planned on buying you’re not likely to blow your holiday budget buying them as you know you’d not afford the holiday. So, if you have not planned on eating cake or chocolate that day and you know it will blow the calorie budget don’t have it!!!
  • Planning and preparation over winging it always wins –

pre plan and prepare your food to take to work the day before. I like to and I encourage my clients to plan and prep on a Sunday for Monday to Wednesday then same Wednesday evening for the rest of the week. That way at work when you wander into the kitchen around 11am feeling hungry in need of a pick me up the healthy snack you brought in your calorie budget is waiting for you, pick that up and walk straight back out ignoring the celebrations they’re not in your plan.

  • Systems over will power – make a rule (you don’t have to tell anyone) or perhaps telling everyone will make you stick to it, up to you. ‘I don’t eat treats at work’ I only eat food I’ve prepared and brought. Personally, this one works for me so I don’t rely on will power each time someone sends a message round saying ‘cakes in the kitchen girls’ my brain just thinks ‘they’re not for me/that doesn’t apply to me’. One of my clients does not take any money or bank cards to work so she can’t go out and buy treats during the day, I like her style.
  • Lastly - think back to past experiences - last time there were cakes in the kitchen at work and you cracked how did you feel? Sluggish and your energy slumped in the afternoon so you reached for more, you had a headache a few hours later and struggled to concentrate, you didn’t get your workout done that evening and ended up slumped in front of the tv eating the kids leftover Easter eggs while they were in bed, you had a crap sleep and felt rubbish the following morning when the kids woke you up, you then totally fell off track with your diet and took several days to get back on again, feelings of guilt crept in and a negative thought process started? Try to learn from those experiences and make it different this time.
  • If you resist the treats today they’ll be gone by tomorrow and you’ll be feeling great coz you stuck to your healthy diet, smashed your workout after the kids had gone to bed and still had the energy to work on that project you’ve been trying to finish, you’ll have a great sleep and wake up before the kids ready to tackle whatever the day throws at you. Each time you have a positive experience it will get easier you’ll build that good habit and replace the old bad habit and in no time when you’re by the pool in Turkey you’ll feel confident in your bikini looking slim and toned and sexy coz that’s what all this is about after all!!!

If you’d like to lose some weight and tone up with my help I have online coaching options tailored to your exact needs click here to contact me and we can have a chat about how to get you on track.

To see success stories and testimonials about my services

Keep in mind the improvement that can be made in a short space of time

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Ladies, you have a pocket of stubborn far you’d like to get rid of?

‘I have this pocket of stubborn fat on my lower belly and round my belly button I absolutely hate and cannot get rid of’ Sound familiar?

This is probably one of the most common issues as a coach ladies ask me to help them with. I’ve been there myself. It’s a problem a lot of mums blame on having kids and yes, its true the skin in that area becomes more loose post pregnancy but most women face this problem kids or not.

Our female bodies are genetically programmed to store fat in the belly area, hips, and thighs in preparation for pregnancy unfortunately we will always store more fat that men. Like it or not your bodies sole purpose on this planet is to reproduce and your body is an amazing machine that will always be preparing to support a growing foetus. Couple this with the abundance of food and calories and lack of exercise in our modern society and we store more fat than we need or like to see. The result is looking in the mirror wearing your bikini and not being happy with what you see. Your self-confidence suffers and it becomes a downward spiral often leading to comfort eating and low self-esteem.

You have tried slimming world, juice bar and shake diets all manner of stuff you see on the internet, but that belly area still does not look like you want it to. So, what do I advise my clients to do to address this problem?


  1. To start with I advise a sensible calorie deficit eating plan –

eating slightly less than the body needs in terms of energy consistently over time to drop body fat. Around a 15% deficit is enough for most people and is easily sustainable for the long term unlike other crash diets mentioned above! Adherence is key here no quick fixes we are in this for the long term.

  1. Eat mainly whole foods eliminatetrans fatty acids and processed foods –

ok so when you eat trans fats eg fried foods and super processed foods you know the ones that don’t even resemble proper food!? To give an example the chain with the big golden ‘M’ your body doesn’t actually recognise that as food and tries to store it away from your bodies organs in order to protect them hence a pocket of fat around your belly button.

  1. 10,000 steps per day also known as NEAT non exercise activity thermogenesis –

most people in the modern world are very sedentary not moving much throughout the day, this has a big impact on how many calories we burn and therefor how much food we can eat without storing body fat around the belly area. Get moving completing your 10,00 steps per day or hitting a target of 70,000 in the week should always be second priority after the calorie deficit and before your gym workouts. Get walking!!!

  1. Workout –

hit the gym or workout at home prioritising core workouts to strengthen and flatten the tummy area plus improve posture and help with back pain, strength training with weights plus HIIT cardio helps to burn more fat and calories at rest and tones.

  1. Consistency is key –

doing the right things consistently over time building habits that you will maintain for the rest of your life. You will see your tummy area flatten and stay that way, quick fixes don’t work but I guess if you’re reading this you’ve realised that by now!

  1. Stop weighing yourself –

so how are you going to track your progress with the advice I have given you? Stop aiming for a magic number on the scale that was not your problem in the first place, remember you are not happy with how your belly looks when you look in the mirror.

Take progress photos – there is a link below to talk you through why and another link to show you how to. Everyone hates doing it, but it is the most reliable way to track your success and I’m certain you will succeed!! This tried and tested method has worked for numerous ladies I have helped over the years and it will work for you too!

Links below to help you succeed:


  1. Why you need to stop weighing yourself and take progress photos instead

  1. How to guide on progress pics

  1. Sample full body home workout

  1. Sample core workout

  1. NEAT

  1. Stop weighing yourself

If you’d like to work with me in one of my online programmes fill out the contact form here and we can have a chat about how I can help you succeed

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Struggling to stay on track with your diet

Struggling to stay on track with your diet?


Sound familiar? Whether it’s due to lock down for covid-19, this happens to you every weekend and holiday off work, maybe you’re on maternity leave, retired or working from home? It’s so much harder to stay on track with healthy eating and stick to your diet when you’re in the house all day. You feel like you have no control over your snacking and are making poor food choices which are leading to weight gain, you’re feeling lethargic and unhealthy.

Do not fear I have a solution that will have you feeling in control again, your jeans will start to loosen off and you’ll have that spring back in your step in no time.

My top tip is to plan and prepare your meals and snacks in advance plus track your food and calories in an app like MyFitnessPal. This is what I have all my clients do to lose weight, stay energised and feel in control.

Subscribe to my mailing list to receive a free exert from my recipe eBook that contains calorie counted breakfast, lunch, evening meal and snack options with bonus food prep and calorie counting tips.

I’d advise using the extra time you have at home to batch cook and stock your fridge and freezer up. Have your cupboards stocked with healthy snacks for when you are feeling peckish and factor in some wine or chocolate to your weekly calorie allowance, so you don’t feel deprived.

If you’d like to work with me on one of my programs fill out the contact form on my website.

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Female Hormones

Female Hormones

Ladies! Some days or weeks you feel confident, outgoing, attractive, assertive, chatty, witty, sexy, enthusiastic you are going to take on and take over the world with one hand tied behind your back on very little sleep coz you’re not tired and you’ll do all this plus manage your full time job, 3 kids and a husband? And the next week you’re full of self-doubt, introverted, self-critical, shy, crave time alone where no one talks to you, touches you or even looks in your direction coz you’re so tired and irritable not to mention hangry you’re likely to bite their head off, eat it, then sob??


Yes, that’s good old mother nature at play. If you’re a woman of menstruating years or partner, friend, parent, colleague or know someone who is then the above scenarios are all too familiar. Or perhaps you experience these feelings in your own body and mind but keep them shut away?


The menstrual cycle has been likened to the seasons of a year with you guessed it Winter being your period and Summer being the time around which you ovulate. With Spring being the time where I personally find I feel gradually better moving from my period to ovulation and Autumn is often the descent into darkness in both body and mind I feel. In my mind’s eye it looks like a hill with a sun drenched top, being ovulation, which I climb and descend each month. I’d be interested how you view yours, let me know in the comments below. Or perhaps you’ve never really realised or thought about it.


To give a basic overview of how and why the hormones associated with the menstrual cycle make us feel the way we do we have to think about what our body is trying to achieve. Procreation! Our bodies want us to reproduce whether we like it or not so around ovulation you feel so flipping amazing coz your body wants you to get out there, find a partner, get laid and get pregnant. Then leading up to your period your body wants you to conserve energy and cut any crap out of your life so you have the capacity to support and protect a foetus in case you may be pregnant or to gear up for the next cycle of ovulation. She wants you to lay low and take care of yourself, take stock of your life and correct anything that’s not serving you.


Clever stuff hey!? But unfortunately, we have more going on in our lives than just making babies these days, so how to manage this often-overwhelming cycle of hormones in today’s modern busy life? My number one tip to all of my clients is always ‘listen to your body’ she will tell you when to rest and when you can fire on all cylinders, please do not beat yourself up you are not a robot it’s all normal.


Practicing menstrual cycle awareness or MCA should be the first step and can be so useful; use your diary to record how you feel each day even if it is one word, you’ll soon see a pattern emerging and utilise that to your advantage. For example, I’ll often write around my summer ‘extrovert, confident, life feels easy…’ and around my winter ‘mentally and physically drained, introverted, self-critical, I want to hibernate…’. I now know when to plan social occasions and really graft on work projects or smash it in the gym and when to have very little in my diary in terms of commitments, I’ll even pencil time in to ‘chill and rest’.


I’d say around 90% of my clients are female. I have found helping them to understand their menstrual cycle and work with not against the powers that it holds has helped us all immensely. Doctors will often see a healthy menstrual cycle as a vital sign when looking at the health of a female patient, like blood pressure or heart rate. If you have no periods, a cycle which is longer than 35 days or shorter than 26 days, severe symptoms such as very heavy bleeding, extreme cramps or violent mood swings then you do not have a healthy cycle and should seek medical advice. There are many things a woman can do to bring her cycle back on track therefor improving the quality of her life and reduce unwanted symptoms. A few I have tried are; tracking the cycle, resting when needed, making sure I get good quality and quantity sleep each night, eating nutritious foods regularly, cutting out dairy and sugar plus limiting caffeine and alcohol intake, exercise regularly and generally be a lot kinder to and easier on myself.

I find with clients and myself a poorly managed menstrual cycle can be a real spanner in the works when trying to diet and exercise to achieve weight loss, muscle gain or improve performance. On the flip side I truly believe there is an immense power within us all that if harnessed and nurtured can become our superpower in all areas of our lives. We owe it to ourselves and our daughters to gain this knowledge and start talking more openly about how we feel as females and how we can use the menstrual cycle to our personal advantage and that of the wider community and world!

If you’re interested in this topic and feel it would help you or someone you know please get in touch for a chat. There are a couple of books I’d recommend if you’ like to do some research yourself on the menstrual cycle and how harnessing its power can help you. I’ll put them in the references below.

As always if this article helped or interested you please share it with your friends on social media remember to tag me.

The best place to contact me is via my website using the contact form or Instagram DM, please do not message my Facebook business page.

Look out for my next blog coming each weekend, if there are any topics you’d like me to blog about please get in touch.

Reading List:

Period Power by Maisie Hill

Wild Power by Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer

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Cup of coffee

Should you quit caffeine

Should You Quit Caffeine?

Caffeine is a potent drug; people however don’t see it as such because it is legal and so widely used. In fact, it’s the most used stimulant worldwide. You’ll find caffeine in tea and coffee, green tea, energy drinks and pre workout supplements plus chocolate and chocolate products. It stimulates the central nervous system and can have some positive effects on the human body. Caffeine in low doses is thought to be associated with an improvement in sporting performance, increased alertness and reduction in fatigue potentially lifting a person’s mood. Coffee and tea also contain some antioxidants which have positive effects on heart health.  That’s why that first cup in the morning feels so good!

But it can also have a negative effect on the mind and body. Increased amounts of caffeine lead to dependency due to increased tolerance and hence the need for greater amounts to gain the same stimulatory benefits. Its so tempting to have more and more I know it is for me anyway.  Heavy users who must go without can experience withdrawal symptoms such as headaches and fatigue. Too much caffeine can produce restlessness, nausea, sleep difficulties, upset stomach, increased urine production causing dehydration, and heart palpitations. It can also cause high blood pressure in sensitive people. Yep I’d say I’ve experienced the bad side to caffeine too; lay awake staring at the ceiling with my heart racing, not pleasant!

When a client asks me ‘should I quit caffeine?’ I answer with some questions to find out what effect caffeine is having on their life. I recommend my clients to use caffeine to their advantage as a pre workout to get that extra oomph in the gym, especially when training early morning on an empty stomach. Or to help with work tasks that require concentration. If you feel it brings the best out of you taking your mental and physical performance from a 9/10 to a 10/10 then you have the dose right and are in control so no need to quit.

If you feel you need caffeine just to function, then the relationship with it probably isn’t good. If you are having poor quality sleep, palpitations and feelings of anxiety, I’d recommend cutting back to a dose where symptoms improve. Poor sleep equals poor recovery from training sessions, increased appetite for sugary foods, low mood and energy. These all have a negative impact on training, body composition goals and overall wellbeing. If this is you, you may need to quit or reduce your intake to find a dose that suits and always have a cut off point, for me that’s 1-2 cups of coffee per day never past 11am. Always try to have 1-2 caffeine free days per week, probably rest days from training, this keeps you sensitive to the potent effects and prevents dependency.

If you found this article useful then share the link on social media with your friends tagging a caffeine addict and me! For more fitness, vegan food and mindset tips follow my Instagram and Facebook pages linked below. I do a Q&A each weekend on Instagram stories so if there are any questions you have post there and I will respond.

 If you feel like you’d like to work with me in an online capacity, one to one personal training or classes then complete the contacts form on my website.

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Vegan changes

What changes should you expect to see in your body after becoming vegan? The real answer to this question I would answer with another question; what changes do you want to see in your body from swapping to a vegan diet?


So, I became vegan several years ago in response to discovering my then very young daughter was dairy intolerant. I read books such as ‘The China Study’ and ‘How Not To Die’, I watched documentaries such as ‘The Cowspiracy Theory’ and knew plant based was for us. I wanted us, my husband daughter and I, to live as long and as healthy a life as possible. That was my initial goal.

We cut out all meat, fish, eggs and dairy. We lived on vegetables and fruit, some nuts seeds, beans lentils and pulses. The only vegan products available at that time were soya and almond milk so we used those. I lost some weight, my long-term problems with acne cleared up and I felt good, my daughter’s symptoms really improved too. But there was a downside, at the time I was heavily into CrossFit. Basically, I was training hard in the gym weightlifting, cardio and gymnastics and I found my strength and stamina decrease a little due to my now plant-based diet. At the time I was not a personal trainer and had only read a couple of books mentioned above, I knew I needed to know so much more about the vegan diet if it was to work for us in the long term. I looked for a vegan coach or personal trainer to help me with no avail, that’s when The Vegan Coach was born. I couldn’t find one, so I had to become one.


My goal had changed or evolved; I wanted to be healthy and live a long life, but I also wanted to be lean and muscular with good strength and fitness performance. I embarked on a one-woman mission to gather as much information as possible, get my personal training qualification, attend nutrition courses and seminars, watching documentaries and reading books then trying these theories out on myself. Over the past few years through consistently applying the principles I’ve leaned I have achieved my goal; I’ve built the strong lean muscular physique I strived for, I perform well and feel powerful in the gym and remain free from ailments and illness.


To answer the initial question; what changes should you expect to see when swapping to the vegan diet? My answer is; If you’re not careful and don’t have a goal in mind to strive for it is literally potluck. You may gain weight; you may lose weight. You may become healthier; your health may decline. This is especially true in 2020 when vegan products are everywhere and without due care and attention you may end up consuming a largely processed food diet high in calories and devoid of nutrients. We live in a world where vegan food is available in Gregg’s, KFC, McDonalds, Vegan Ben and Jerrie’s…and if you look back at your goal and see you wanted to lose some weight and improve your health I’m sure you’ll find these vegan foods will move you further from that goal.


I now work helping people in a one to one capacity online and in my private gym to improve their health and fitness through a plant-based diet. Promoting a way of eating that in primarily based around plants and not vegan food products. I help people manage their calorie and protein intake and give them the tools and knowledge to nourish their bodies correctly to achieve their goals. I’ve written a recipe eBook which my clients use and regularly post recipes and training tips on my social media platforms.


If you’d like me to help you reach your full potential through plant-based living then contact me by completing the contact form on my website.

Another blog I’ve penned that may be of use whether you’ve lost or gained weight when becoming vegan;


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